Campus Aerial

Donate Now

Thank you for partnering with us for VTS’ third century and for a strong Episcopal Church!

To make a one-time gift, recurring gift, or pledge with credit card information, please choose your amount and fund, click "add donation," then choose your gift type (one-time, recurring, or pledge with installments). To make multiple gifts to different funds in one transaction, choose another amount and fund, and click "add donation" after each one.

To make a pledge without providing credit card information at this time, please choose your amount and fund, click "add donation," select "One-time gift," use the "Gift Instructions" box to explain your installments (for example: annually for 3 years, monthly for 2 years, etc.), then for payment information, select "pledge."  

(Required information fields are marked with a red asterisk).

Donation Information
$ 1,000.00
$ 500.00
$ 250.00
$ 100.00
$ 50.00
$ 25.00

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